Yea they can be easily destroyed by auxiliry fleets, but i dont want to, the reason being that im doing a oriental only playthrough.

also i know this is a massive wall of text but im trying to give as mutch info about this bug as possible becouse it has a huge impact on land combat. after which both ships are under the winners flag. just for referance, whats supposed to happen is: you use the boarding crew on an enemy ship, the two are dragged to eachother with a small rope, and both cant move untill eather ship comes out victorius after a small time of fighting aboard. the boarding didnt end no matter how far the enemy ship sailed, nor if i as winning for its entire time. my warship being slowly dragged along with it. the rope that spawned kept stretching across the horizon untill the land unit actualy landed on my shores. Yea but this wasnt on a quest, i was at war with an AI player (the ships that spawn from boarding quests are never land units embarked on ships) and since the boarding fight is calculated depending on your ships attack, and since embarked land units lose their `attack points?` on sea, its rather easy to board a land unit traveling by sea in order to capture it, however i couldnt, not becouse i lost the boarding or was unable to use the item in an army/land unit traveling by sea, its becouse as i used it, the enemy just kept on sailing while my ship got stuck in its boarding animation.